On 20 aug 2008, at 19.55, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

Hi Anders

Anders Ekberg wrote:
Concerning t1 (where you said in a previous post that it works):
No, what worked was that I saw nothing of the other bug.

So everything was a misunderstanding then?
Let me then summarize again: For you, none of the four versions gives you a Swedish LyX (which makes sense because there are no Swedish translations in the source).

Exactly. And apart from that they work fine w.r.t. speed etc.

Hmm, was that an insult ;-) (though against Swedes or our Norwegian friends probably can be discussed ;-)

Javisst! :) I won't ask my labmates - I am sitting in Stockholm right now.

Inga problem!
Enjoy Stockholm, I'm also heading up there for the weekend. And thanks for the good work with the compiling etc.


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