Le 8 août 08 à 16:43, Konrad Hofbauer a écrit :

To all troubled LyX/Mac users:

We have currently two issues that some LyX users experience on the Mac:

1) Starting with version 1.5.6 LyX does not pick up the OS language anymore, but always uses the English UI. Question: Is that the case for everybody or just a few users? (I cannot test since I am on an English OS X.)

This the case for me but I didn'tt notice because I don't really care. LyX_t1 solves this issue and picks up the french language of my system but LyX_t2 does not.

2) _Some users_ experience fatal drawing problems (LyX unusable & crashes) with LyX >= 1.5.5 (and maybe related with the update of OS X to version 10.5.3).

What do you mean by "fatal drawing problems"? On what occurence is it expected to experience this problem?

I must say that I am just now migrating from a power pc to a macbook pro with an intel processor, and I had no time to really test the stability of these test builds. What I can say that I experienced no crash of the 1.5.6 official version on my former ppc and that it also seems stable on my new intel macbook pro, but I did not yet use it much.

By the way, after switching to macos 10.5 on my powerpc, I had a problem with the display of some postscript figures in Lyx: some postscript figures (but not all) would not be displayed in LyX, with the diagnostic "erreur lors de la conversion vers un format lisible" (strangely enough in french while the menus where in english). This problem was only parlty solved by reinstalling "image magick". On my new macbook pro this problem seems completely solved, probably because I reinstalled everything from scratch.

Jean Kaplan

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