Am 30.06.2011 15:46, schrieb Marcus Kriele:

svmono.cls provides two problem environments and two solution environments: 
prob and problem, sol
and solution. The pair prob/sol is documented but not the pair problem/solution.

Now I got it. I currently only implemented problem, solution and prob.
Note that all 4 types are described in the Springer documentation:

- solution and problem work like theorem and have an optional argument
- prob doesn't have an additional argument, but a label
- sol has a mandatory argument.

I implemented now also "sol" and described all 4 layouts in the file 

I also corrected for "solution" the argument from mandatory to optional as it appears to be a bug in the Springer templates that they used a mandatory argument. Their docs and also the logic tells that it must be an optional one.

Can you please test my latest version?

While svmono supports the two pairs, prob/sol and problem/solution,

svmult too.

some other classes only support one pair.

Yes, svglobal3 only solution/problem. I respect this in my implementation.

 To make things worse, Springer is not consistent with the naming of these 
For instance, the svmono.cls environment solution is called sol in some other 

In their refguide they explain it clearly. It seems that their templates and also the comments in the cls-files are not of such a good quality as their documentation.

thanks and regards

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