
great that you could fix the numbering!

I have tested your templates and I found the following issues (Mac, LyX 2.0.0):


1) Minor -- Master document has not been set. I propose to do so for each include file so that "View master document" and "Update master document" can be used from each include file immediately. After the first run LyX knows the master document.

2) Minor -- chapter.lyx, equation eq:10: An equation array style has been used improperly. The whole equation is in the left column, rather than spread out over all 3 columns

3) Very Minor -- chapter.lyx, equation eq:10, second line: Okay, this is quite pedantic and not really a LyX problem: \vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=\vec{c} should be replaced by \vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=c as the scalar product of two vectors is a scalar rather than a vector. Having said this, this small error is actually due to Springer, and I am not sure whether we want to correct it.

4) Medium -- chapter.lyx: References to LaTeX should be replaced by references to LyX, e.g, "Furtheron please use the LaTeX automatism for all your cross-references and citations." There are several instances of such references.

5) Major -- chapter.lyx, Section Neither "Proof" Style nor "Proof(smartQED)" Style works. "Proof(QED)" does not work either.

6) Medium -- appendix.lyx: The section A.1 is too short to illustrate the Style "Running Section". The same problem arises in section 1 of chapter.lyx

7) Minor -- appendix, eqution eq:A01:  Same as issues 2) and 3).

8) Medium -- Glossary: No documentation of how the style "Extrachap" (or the style "extrachap") is to be used. These styles are non-obvious variants of "Chapter*". Documentation is included in my testfile "SVmono_testfile.lyx".

9) Medium -- foreword.lyx: Optional argument has not been explained

10) Major -- solution.lyx: The solution style does not work correctly. It should be numbered (without label "solution") where the numbers are the corresponding problem numbers. The corresponding problems are given via references in the optional arguments.


11) The optional arguments of problem and solution are not supported correctly.


12) I think you should take credit for your improvements in the header of the inc and layout files.

For some reason, the three proof environments do not work any more nor do the solution environments. They did work with my old layout files. I cannot pinpoint the issues but the following may help to find the bugs:

1) Make in my layout files the following changes:
1a) insert the InTitle flag in my "Title running" style
1b) uncomment the line "RequiredArgs    1" in my "Sol" style.
2) in solution.lyx correct the two optional arguments so that they contain the reference label of the corresponding problems ("prob:prob1" and "prob:prob2" instead of "probl" and "prob2").

Then your svmono_book.lyx template compiles with my layouts and produce the correct output.

Specific comments:

1) You have replaced the theorem type environments by the standard theorem include file, in which
theorem-like environments are defined via \newtheorem.

No, I have not done this because this won't compile and the springer classes define their own theorem environments. Where do you see that I have done this? I also wrote you about my solution in the last mail. So I'm a bit confused now.
Sorry, this was my mistake. I mixed up theorem.inc and theorem-without-preamble.inc

2) Springer provides two different solution environments, "sol" and "solution", in their classes
smono.cls and svmult.cls.

I will add "solution" when I review the new layout and include for svmult. Currently, these files are only reviewed for svmono and svjour. ("sol" is also possible for svmono (it compiles) but the output consists of question marks and "sol" is not used in the offical template, only "solution".)

The environment "sol" appears to be preferred and generates a counter
(without any additional label) while the environment "solution" provides the label "Solution" together with a counter. Consequently, the styles "Sol" and "Solution_(theorem-like)"

But your LaTeX code you created via the layout file was for both environments the same. That's why I removed one of them. It was a bug in your layout.
It was done on purpose but admittedly not very elegant. Observe that I redefine some environments in some layout files so that this "double-up" does not survive in any layout. Anyway, I am not at all opposed to change this implementation detail. Perhapsit would be best to explicitly define the solution and problem environments in each layout file separately?

What environment you think is missing in the new template files? (I have not listed every possible theorem environment because this is not necessary - the user will get the idea from the 3 examples I have in the files.)
I think that the environments are sufficient. But most users would need some information about extrachap and Extrachap.

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