Am 29.06.2011 23:48, schrieb Marcus Kriele:

I have tested your templates and I found the following issues (Mac, LyX 2.0.0):


1) Minor -- Master document has not been set. I propose to do so for each 
include file

How can I do this?

2) Minor -- chapter.lyx, equation eq:10: An equation array style has been used 
improperly. The whole
equation is in the left column, rather than spread out over all 3 columns

Fixed now.

3) Very Minor -- chapter.lyx, equation eq:10, second line: Okay, this is quite 
pedantic and not
really a LyX problem:
\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=\vec{c} should be replaced by \vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}=c as the 
scalar product of two
vectors is a scalar rather than a vector. Having said this, this small error is 
actually due to
Springer, and I am not sure whether we want to correct it.

You are correct and we don't need to keep Springer's bug. I corrected this now.

4) Medium -- chapter.lyx: References to LaTeX should be replaced by references 
to LyX, e.g,
"Furtheron please use the LaTeX automatism for all your cross-references and 
citations." There are
several instances of such references.

5) Major -- chapter.lyx, Section Neither "Proof" Style nor 
"Proof(smartQED)" Style works.
"Proof(QED)" does not work either.

I fixed them now.

6) Medium -- appendix.lyx: The section A.1 is too short to illustrate the Style 
"Running Section".
The same problem arises in section 1 of chapter.lyx

I think that the user will understand how it works from the other "running" environments like author and title. Expanding the template with senseless text won't help much since it is a template, not an example. When the user writes his text, he will automatically expand it to see the short section heading in the page title.

7) Minor -- appendix, eqution eq:A01: Same as issues 2) and 3).

Fixed now.

8) Medium -- Glossary: No documentation of how the style "Extrachap" (or the style 
"extrachap") is
to be used. These styles are non-obvious variants of "Chapter*". Documentation 
is included in my
testfile "SVmono_testfile.lyx".

I added now a note in the Acknowledgements and the Glossary.

9) Medium -- foreword.lyx: Optional argument has not been explained

I don't understand this option. If I need another heading, I can directly change it, why do I need an optional heading for this?

10) Major -- solution.lyx: The solution style does not work correctly. It 
should be numbered
(without label "solution") where the numbers are the corresponding problem 
numbers. The
corresponding problems are given via references in the optional arguments.

I don't understand. They look exactly in LyX as in the PDF output. And in the PDF they have the label "Solution X"


11) The optional arguments of problem and solution are not supported correctly.

I fixed this now. I hope this is correct, please test.


12) I think you should take credit for your improvements in the header of the 
inc and layout files.

I added myself.

For some reason, the three proof environments do not work any more

This is now fixed.

nor do the solution environments.

This works for me. If it still not work for you with the latest version, please send me a recipe to reproduce the problem: How should it look in LyX and what should be the LaTeX code.
In the template they have this LaTeX code:

The solution\index{problems}\index{solutions} is revealed here.

but when I change it to

The solution\index{problems}\index{solutions} is revealed here.

It perhaps looks like you want it to have. The problem is that both types are valid LaTeX and the Springer document classes allow both types. In their userguide, they only describe the version with the optional argument. So I don't know what to do, implementing the mandatory or the optional argument.
Attached is an example file. Which of both outputs do you prefer?

They did work with my old layout files. I cannot pinpoint the issues but the 
following may help to
find the bugs:

1) Make in my layout files the following changes:
1a) insert the InTitle flag in my "Title running" style
1b) uncomment the line "RequiredArgs 1" in my "Sol" style.
2) in solution.lyx correct the two optional arguments so that they contain the 
reference label of
the corresponding problems ("prob:prob1" and "prob:prob2" instead of "probl" and 

This will lead to the optional argument style. But as said above, I'm not sure if this is the preferred style Springer wants.

many thanks for testing and regards

Attachment: solutions.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: solutions.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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