Am 11.07.2011 23:35, schrieb Marcus Kriele:

I have tested the new layouts and templates for svmono, svjour3, and svmult. In 
these new versions,
the proof, solution and problem environments work for me. However, I would 
change the label of the
sol environment: Currently it is an automatically generated counter that may 
have nothing to do with
the counter of the corresponding problem. I find this misleading.

To what should I change it, a string plus the counter? If yes, what string?

In addition, if the solutions are
written in the same order as the problems then in LyX it appears that each 
solution references the
correct problem. However, the output gives question marks as the references are 
not given

I don't get them with the template files. How can I get them?

I would prefer a label like "sol [label of problem]". While this looks very 
from the output, it would reduce the likelihood of user error.

So you mean I should change the name of the style (the one in LyX's style-combobox). If so, I'll do this as you suggested. But this is independent of the label you see in your text when using Sol. How should I change it. To avoid confusions, it is perhaps better if you send me a patch how you would like to have it and I put it in. OK?

I also have a few additional comments:

1) Minor -- Master document has not been set. I propose to do so for each 
include file

How can I do this?

For each document that is to be included: Documents -> Settings... -> Document 
Class, check "Select
default master document", browse for the master document. This may result in an 
absolute path, but
you can edit this path to make it relative. (I only tested this on mac).

Thanks, I have done this now.
(Btw. It is really time that I start documenting all the new LyX 2.0 features if even I don't know them all.)

4) Medium -- chapter.lyx: References to LaTeX should be replaced by references 
to LyX, e.g,
"Furtheron please use the LaTeX automatism for all your cross-references and 
citations." There are
several instances of such references.

The references to LaTeX are still present.

I changed it now to "LyX" as you suggested.

I will have a look for the other issues tomorrow.

thanks and regards

9) Medium -- foreword.lyx: Optional argument has not been explained

I don't understand this option. If I need another heading, I can directly 
change it, why do I need
an optional heading for this?
The user would need to use the extrachap command which might not be obvious to 
her/him. Perhaps one
could document the usage in a comment note? Same for preface.


There are two citations to non-existing bibliography entries, "Abernethy2003" and 


1) title*

In svmult_author.lyx the title* style does not work. Both as an embedded 
document and as a
stand-alone document you simply get "*" as the title and the given title 
("Contribution Title") is
ignored. I couldn't get this style to work either.

The intended behavior is to produce the title in the output without the line 
"chapter 1". It does
work with their latex templates.

If you do not have an idea how to do implement title*, I would propose to 
delete our title* style
and to write a note that we do not support it. After all, the whole problem is 
appears to be caused
by Springer hacking the LaTeX title and chapter commands in a way that is not 
compatible with the
idea of a mark-up language.

(Something minor: title is in the "Section" category while "Title*" is in the 
FrontMatter category.
While this does reflect the purpose of title and title *, it would probably be 
better to present
these styles side by side. )

2) Author

The format in LyX is indistinguishable from the standard format or at least 
very similar. I propose
to add an italic label "Author: " similar to the style "Institute".

Other bugs:

I think that the relative path to the pictures "../../examples/CV-image.png" 
should read
"../examples/CV-image.png". If this is the case then this bug was originally 
introduced by me. My
apologies. This applies to svmono_chapter.lyx (twice), svmono_appendix.lyx, 
svjour3.lyx (twice),
svmult_author.lyx (twice), svmult_appendix.lyx

Regards, Marcus

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