On 11/02/2014 2:59 a.m., stefano franchi wrote:

</rant>I had to convert a ~50,000 words book from LyX to Word last month
and it took me 2 full days. I think I tried all exporters known to men
(and women). They all failed to various degrees. In the end, I had
better luck converting the file from the pdf (!!!!!) output to word and
then reinserting manually all footnotes (all 450 of them).  I am facing
the prospect of converting a 200,000 words manuscript in a few months
and I am already sweating at night at the very idea. <\rant>



Did you just copy & paste from the pdf? That's something I've done before. The main problem is always that each line on the page in the pdf ends up as a separate paragraph in the pasted text in Word. How did you handle that?

I wrote a macro in Word to join up the lines into paragraphs, judging the end of a paragraph by the existence of a shorter line -- which obviously fails sometimes. (Copying a pdf followed by paste special has the same problem in LyX. I have an unfinished script, for the pLyX system, to do the same in LyX.)

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