stefano franchi wrote:

> Anyway: I am willing to "mentor" a student through the process of
> producing a LyX-to-Word semantic-only exporter. Scare quotes are
> necessary, because I would have to learn as much as the student. If Rob
> can provide some guidance and expert advice (both as a previous mentor and
> obviously as an expert in the area) I think we may have something working
> by the end of the summer. What I know is that *I* will absolutely a solid
> word-exporter by that time.

I don't have the time to be an official mentor, but I could help with 
technical advice as well. I also have some personal motivation, since my 
wife faces similar problems when exchanging documents with coworkers. And if 
nobody works on this for GSOC we may also be able to hack a quick and dirty 
version together that just works for you so that you don't need to go 
through pdf again. This is BTW exactly the way how I got involved with 


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