Rainer M Krug wrote:

> On 02/07/14, 17:35 , Rob Oakes wrote:
>> On another note, you should also probably have a discussion about how
>> you want to handle maths. The math XML vocabulary in docx is pretty
>> well contained, but it would still be an enormous job to translate it
>> to LyX/LaTeX. For export, we might make use of the MathML support LyX
>> already supports, and then translate thtat to docx math XML. There may
>> even be XSLT to do that.

Yes, a good part of math export to docx is already there.

> I can't comment here, but I think that it would be nice to have this,
> and in many cases this might be absolutely essential, but it could be
> addad at a later stage, when the basic round-trip features are in place.
> But it should definitely be considered.

This depends a bit on the future of the LyX file format: If the plans to go 
to XML are revived it might be a good idea to use MathML for math in .lyx 
files, and in this case one would implement the MathML reader in C++ in 
LyX. If MathML will not be used in .lyx files then it is probably better to 
implement a MathML2LaTeX python module and use that.


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