Richard Heck wrote:

> On 10/25/2015 07:31 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> On 2015-10-25, Georg Baum wrote:
>>> BTW, the braces around the equality comparison are not needed, so
>>> to my eyes
>>> if (!params().useNonTeXFonts && runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XETEX)
>>> is more readable.
>> I don't know the operator precedence in C++, therefore I added the
>> braces.

Now you do for this case (until you forget again;-)

> Better to have them than not to have them, if one isn't sure, it always
> seems to me.

Sure. My motivation for mentioning this was to increase the knowledge about 
operator precedence. If you read and write statements like this more often, 
then it eases your work a lot if you know at least the most important 
precedence rules. At least this is my experience.


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