Guillaume Munch wrote:

> However, if you do not have the time, this is a sufficient reason by
> itself. I am not forcing you to read these patches, and you do not need
> an excuse.

time is unfortunately really an issue for me currently.

> Maybe one more thing we are in disagreement about is your implication
> that this is a secondary issue just because you (and other people)
> "simply got used to the wrong display".

Oh, I do not imply that this is secondary. We have many important bugs in 
trac that will not be fixed for 2.2.0, even some with patches. I only 
question the urgency of a fix for a bug that nobody has been working on for 
seven years. We simply have different points of view: You look more from a 
developer perspective "there is an annoying problem, I have a fix and I am 
sure it is safe => put it in". I look more from a project management 
perspective "we want to relase soon, we do not want to introduce regressions 
=> we cannot fix all bugs (not even all important ones) right now".


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