On 2017-08-27, mn wrote:
> On 27.08.17 22:41, Guenter Milde wrote:

>>>> The UserGuide currently is a real trouble maker.

>> Can you have a look at the used fonts in this document?


> I experimented with the fonts. LatinModern (the default) gives the same
> result as using Libertine or even XeTeX fonts.

Fine, so we can rule out fonts as the reason.


>>> I can confirm strange behavior on macOS 10.12.5 with LyX 2.2.3.

>>>    1. Launch LyX 2.2.3
>>>    2. Open User's Guide from Help Menu
>>>    3. Render
>>>       - All pages will be white (no text shown).  I do not see
>>>       beachballing, but the PDF is useless.

>> Is there an error message or warning from LaTeX?

> There are a few warnings but these will likeley not lead anywhere.
> The PDF displays fine in Adobe Reader, is in vector and therefore the
> bug just has to be in macOS itself.

> The question is why it rears its ugly head in Apple's PDFKit?
> What makes UserGuide so special?
> People have called this document a "Preview-Killer".

Joel sent a log file and I see a lot of warnings like:

  pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file 
  s_images_buffer-write.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group
  included in a single page

OTOH, these warnings are not present in the LaTeX log here on Debian.

They seem to be triggered by the SVG icons like (in LyX source):

  \begin_inset Info
  type  "icon"
  arg   "buffer-new"

which use an *.svgz image converted to PDF.
Maybe the converter called by LyX produces faulty/unsuited PDFs and
once they are included, they trigger the problems in viewers that are not
sufficiently "robust"?


> Also note: the downloadable version of the PDF hosted on lyx.org
> triggers the same symptoms.

It may be generated on a Mac or with the same SVG-converter, too.

I could send you a PDF copy of the UserGuide generated here without the
above pdfTeX warnings.


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