On 28.08.17 11:03, mn wrote:
> On 28.08.17 08:36, Guenter Milde wrote:
>>> Also note: the downloadable version of the PDF hosted on lyx.org
>>> triggers the same symptoms.
>> It may be generated on a Mac or with the same SVG-converter, too.
> According to full PTEX.Banner on the downloaded PDF:
> "This is MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.6300 (1.4018)"
> That looks like generated on Windows.
>> I could send you a PDF copy of the UserGuide generated here without the
>> above pdfTeX warnings.
> Please do, I'll cross-check on mine too.

Just exported a UserGuide to PDF with LyX 2.2.3 in debian, opened the
resulting file in Mac Preview.app and the results are the same.

The end of this will mail will list the generated warning from the linux

The svg2pdf converters on the Mac were rsvg.
The svg converters used under linux were also from rsvg.


The warnings for the LaTeX log were:
Package typearea Warning: You've used obsolete option `BCOR7.5mm'.
Class scrbook Warning: Usage of package `fancyhdr' together

pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier
(name{page.1}) has  been already used, duplicate ignored

]pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier
(name{page.2}) has  been already used, duplicate ignored

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./1_usr_share_lyx_images_file-open.pdf):
PDF inc
lusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./2_usr_share_lyx_images_buffer-write.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./4_usr_share_lyx_images_copy.pdf): PDF
n: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./5_usr_share_lyx_images_paste.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./5_usr_share_lyx_images_paste.pdf): PDF
on: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./6_usr_share_lyx_images_dialog-show_findreplace.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./8_usr_share_lyx_images_redo.pdf): PDF
n: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page

LaTeX Warning: `h' float specifier changed to `ht'.

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./12_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-down.pdf): PDF
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> <./13_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-up.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./13_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-up.pdf): PDF i
nclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./14_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-out.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./14_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-out.pdf): PDF
inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./15_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-in.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./15_usr_share_lyx_images_outline-in.pdf): PDF i
nclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
>] [8] [9] [10]

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/lmss/m/sc' in size <12> not available
(Font)              Font shape `T1/lmr/m/sc' tried instead on input line

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./18_usr_share_lyx_doc_clipart_Abstract.pdf): PD
F inclusion: found PDF version <1.6>, but at most version <1.5> allowed
<18_usr_share_lyx_doc_clipart_Abstract.pdf, id=3194, pagebox=cropbox,
pt x 146.5475pt>

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
>] [34] [35] [36]

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./22_usr_share_lyx_images_font-emph.pdf):
PDF in
clusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./23_usr_share_lyx_images_dialog-show_character.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page

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./26_usr_share_lyx_images_view-others.pdf): PDF
inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./29_usr_share_lyx_doc_clipart_footnote.png>]

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
graphics.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in
a singl
e page

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./37_usr_share_lyx_images_label-insert.pdf): PDF
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> <./38_usr_share_lyx_images_dialog-show-new-inset_ref.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
ref.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a
single pag

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./43_usr_share_lyx_images_math-subscript.pdf): P
DF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./44_usr_share_lyx_images_math_frac.pdf

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PDF in
clusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page

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PDF in
clusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
<47_usr_share_lyx_images_math_space.pdf, id=5262, pagebox=cropbox,
128.48pt x 1

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./49_usr_share_lyx_images_math_functions.pdf): P
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> <./50_usr_share_lyx_images_math_hat.pdf

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PDF inc
lusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page

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./66_usr_share_lyx_images_changes-merge.pdf): PD
F inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./67_usr_share_lyx_doc_clipart_ChangesToolbar.png>] [115
_images_changes-track.pdf> <./69_usr_share_lyx_images_changes-output.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./69_usr_share_lyx_images_changes-output.pdf): P
DF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./70_usr_share_lyx_images_change-next.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./70_usr_share_lyx_images_change-next.pdf): PDF
inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./71_usr_share_lyx_images_change-accept.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./71_usr_share_lyx_images_change-accept.pdf): PD
F inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./72_usr_share_lyx_images_change-reject.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./72_usr_share_lyx_images_change-reject.pdf): PD
F inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./73_usr_share_lyx_images_all-changes-accept.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./74_usr_share_lyx_images_all-changes-reject.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./75_usr_share_lyx_images_note-next.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./75_usr_share_lyx_images_note-next.pdf):
PDF in
clusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
>] [116]
chapter A.
[117] [118] [119]

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./78_usr_share_lyx_images_toolbar-toggle_math.pdf

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multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./79_usr_share_lyx_images_toolbar-toggle_table.pdf

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multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
<80_usr_share_lyx_doc_clipart_ExtraToolbar.png, id=7309, 530.73282pt x
21.07875 pt>

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> <./83_usr_share_lyx_images_layout_Itemize.pdf

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./83_usr_share_lyx_images_layout_Itemize.pdf): P
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> <./84_usr_share_lyx_images_layout_List.pdf

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> <./85_usr_share_lyx_images_layout_Description.pdf

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> <./86_usr_share_lyx_images_box-insert.pdf

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./86_usr_share_lyx_images_box-insert.pdf): PDF i
nclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./87_usr_share_lyx_images_math-macro_newmacroname_newcommand.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
e_newcommand.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included
in a s
ingle page
> <./88_usr_share_lyx_images_dialog-show-new-inset_include.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
include.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a
<89_usr_share_lyx_doc_clipart_ViewToolbar.png, id=7390, 156.585pt x

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./92_usr_share_lyx_images_master-buffer-update.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
df): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
> <./93_usr_share_lyx_images_buffer-toggle-output-sync.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
ync.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a
single pag
> <./94_usr_share_lyx_images_update-others.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file
./94_usr_share_lyx_images_update-others.pdf): PD
F inclusion: multiple pdfs with page group included in a single page
chapter B.
[137] [138] [139] [140]

Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):
(hyperref)                \kern 3.26286pt
(hyperref)                removed on input line 1.

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