Angus Leeming wrote:
Can't you script this step? If you can, then tell me how and I'll add it to the script. Unless, of course, you take this and run with it...

Since your shell script already extracts the language code, it's indeed a lot easier to script everything.

Attached you'll find the NSIS script to generate the installers. So remove the zip part and instead call makensis like this:

makensis.exe /DLANG=en /DINPUTDIR=C:\Aspell\lib\aspell-0.60 /DOUTPUTDIR=C:\AspellDics AspellDicts.nsi


NSIS script for Aspell dictionaries
Written by Joost Verburg

Currently this is only a simple script to copy the dictionary files
There is no registry of installed dictionaries or an uninstaller

Required defines:

LANG      - language code
INPUTDIR  - directory with compiled dictionary files for the language
            (no other files should be there)
OUTPUTDIR - directory to write the compiled installer

Example of usage:

makensis.exe /DLANG=en /DINPUTDIR=C:\Aspell\lib\aspell-0.60 
/DOUTPUTDIR=C:\AspellDics AspellDicts.nsi


;Include Modern UI

  !include "MUI.nsh"


  ;Name and output file
  Name "Aspell Dictionary (Language: ${LANG})"
  OutFile "${OUTPUTDIR}\aspell6-${LANG}.exe"

  ;Good compression
  SetCompressor /SOLID lzma

  ;Default installation directory (the location where LyX expects Aspell)
  InstallDir "C:\Aspell\lib\aspell-0.60"


  !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
  !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES


        ;Probably no need to add multiple languages for such a simple thing

  !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

;Installer Sections

Section "Install Dictionary"

  ;Just copy all files

  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
  File "${INPUTDIR}\*.*"


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