On 05.01.2012 10:13, Rainer M Krug wrote:

If the issue I reported is the same (it seems the definition of
"slow scrolling" can cover different behaviours), it happens also
on Windows 7.



Interesting. So now we have reports of slow scrolling problems on
multiple versions of OS X and multiple versions of Windows, where
the problem got worse with 2.0.2 relative to 2.0.1.

I don't think we have any reports of problems on Linux yet. Don't
some versions of Linux use Qt as their native GUI engine? If so,
maybe somehow there is less chance to mess things up since it would
then be the native engine for those systems.

Slow scrolling and skipping are subjective - maybe the problem does
exist under Linux, b ut the Linux users are more tolerant :-) (I use


"Somehow" subjective: skipping versus no skipping is objective. :-)

Also, high CPU usage (seen by Jerry and I) is objective, as you can see it in the task manager, measured by the OS. Not to mention the fan speeding up.

Best regards,


But seriously: to really evaluate this, one would possibly need screen
recordings of the actual scrolling and one person can evaluate them.
Or installation of the OS in a virtual machine, and then checking (but
this would not be representative for all systems).

So I guess a "howto" to record the actual scrolling on screen and a
website where this can be posted, should help.



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