On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 4:08 AM Eric LK <tr...@lefauve.org> wrote:

> Thanks for all your replies!
> I just wasn't using the correct baud rate. I thought that even with
> the wrong serial settings I should see some kind of garbage characters
> on the other side, but it seems I was wrong :o)
> John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> > - Match baud rate... you can rebuild with a different baud rate. It
> > supports all rates including 19200, 38400, 76800. I'd like to add some UI
> > to set the baud rate but haven't gotten around to it. I'm pretty sure
> your
> > version is set for 38400.
> Thanks John, that was indeed 38400, 8 bits, 1 stop bits and no parity.
> I tried to have a look at the lst file to figure how to change those
> settings.
> If I understand what I see on lines 92-98, and the pages 178-179 of
> "Hidden Powers of the M100", the maximum speed seems to be 153600, but
> it seems impossible to set the speed to 115200 which is what I was
> looking for in the first place. Is that really impossible?
115200 is not possible. The highest possible is 76800bps on the Model 100.


> If the characters transition works well from the M100 to the PC
> (putty, using UTF-8), it doesn't seem to work on the opposite
> direction. Did I miss a setting on the PC side or is it supposed to be
> this way?
It does map in both directions... what are you seeing?
I don't map every UTF-8 character :-) There are a lot.
I map line drawing characters, bullets, etc. The stuff that I found to be
common when web browsing using w3m, reading email with mutt, etc.
Also I discard ANSI color escapes and some xterm escapes.
At byte 765 you can see the hash table of all the Unicode characters
One note, I only support 16-bit Unicode as you can see by looking at the
16-bit values listed in the hash table. The actual UTF-8 encoding of those
unicode characters may be 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit or 32-bit, however.

The hash table is based on these M100 to Unicode mappings the community
came up with:


Also I couldn't not notice that in the source you have some parts
> about the directory structure of the M100. Does that mean there is a
> way to save session to a file, or to send a file over the RS232? (I'd
> love this feature, if just to translate the special characters into
> readable UTF-8 :o) ).
Unfortunately a work in process. The goal is to add zmodem transfer, but it
isn't remotely done yet.

In the meantime, maybe you or another member would consider writing a
stand-alone filter program or script to convert UTF-8 to M100 ASCII based
on the mappings above?

Could be fun/useful given ASCII art editors around, especially those with
support for line drawing characters.


-- John.

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