On Sep 12, 2011, at 9:02 AM, Michael Winter wrote:

> My oldest is heading off for her freshman year of college with her first 
> MacBook Pro (we've been a Mac family since before she was born, but this is 
> the first one that's all hers).

Is this a new modern Mac? Running Lion?

I don't know why all this blather about firmware password; run Lion and enable 
File Vault (2). It will prevent anyone from seeing her data, even if they have 
physical access to her machine or the drive.

With File Vault 2 enabled, the General tab of the Security & Privacy preference 
pane's "Require password … after sleep or screen saver begins" cannot be turned 
off, with the only options being how long before the password kicks in. So user 
error is unlikely to allow an exploit should someone run off with it. Even the 
recovery partition can't be booted without the machine password.

As for the LoJack stuff remember that iCloud is slated to include a "Find My 
Mac" feature that works the way the "Find My iPhone" iApp and web app work 
today. I don't know if it will be as full featured as some of the commercial 
software, but it might be all you need.

And lastly, speaking as someone who is also sending his only son to UC with a 
brand new (and easy to steal) Macbook Air, purchasing theft insurance is worth 
consideration. A policy that will more then cover his computer is only about 
sixty dollars (he can pay the $100 deductible if he drops his guard), and with 
the data secured all he'll loose is the skateboard stickers on the case. These 
policies can even include accidental damage, which seems even more likely an 
occurrence then library or room-mate theft (late night, paper due and Jolt 
Cola, anyone?). 

We're looking at this place, but it might be worth calling your homeowners 
underwriter and see if they can offer a better deal:


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