On Sep 12, 2011, at 12:07 PM, David Schwartz wrote:

> With File Vault 2 enabled, the General tab of the Security & Privacy 
> preference pane's "Require password … after sleep or screen saver begins" 
> cannot be turned off, with the only options being how long before the 
> password kicks in. So user error is unlikely to allow an exploit should 
> someone run off with it. Even the recovery partition can't be booted without 
> the machine password.

File Vault is a tantalizing option, but I have always been a bit intimidated to 
enable it:
1. Is File Vault one-way and forever on a volume?
2. When it is first enabled, does it laboriously go through your /Users account 
and encrypt everything in one fell swoop, and then afterwards encrypt files 
only as they are saved?
3. How much overhead is there when its on, any perceived lagging or slowness?
4. What happens if/when you turn File Vault off?
5. If the master password is forgotten, is recovery hopeless?

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