On Saturday, March 16, 2002, at 10:49  PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:
>> On another note... I saw that the mod_perl lines were commented out in
>> my httpd.conf. Since mod_perl is required for Mason (well, Mason
>> performs best with mod_perl), I uncommented the mod_perl lines. Now
>> httpd won't start. I get the following error when I tail my error_log
> Well, the stock apache (with stock perl) and stock mod_perl work fine.

well, when I got my iBook it had the stock apache with stock perl on it, 
but I never activated the stock mod_perl (if it was there... I didn't 

> It looks like you updated the perl on your machine...I recompiled
> mod_perl and apache when I upgraded my perl

Yes, I updated Perl to 5.6.1, and mod_perl and Apache using Ray 
Zimmerman's steps oft quoted on this and other lists. My results were 
the same as his (and many others) but for some reason I did not have any 
success with mod_perl. I guess I had disabled mod_perl and forgotten all 
about it. So, when I included it in this evening it Apache croaked with 
the following message...

>> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
>> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
>>         LC_ALL = (unset),
>>         LANG = "en_US"
>>     are supported and installed on your system.
>> perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
> This is a fairly minor issue, set LC_ALL to LC_ALL=C in the system
> startup scripts, but this error shouldn't break anything.

I remember something about this... I think I used to get this error 
everytime I would run perl in the Terminal, and then I used the SETENV 
command once to set the locale settings and I haven't experienced this 
error since in the Terminal. This is the first time I am seeing this in 
the error_log when trying to start Apache. I guess it seems Apache is 
not recognizing the locale settings that the Terminal recognizes.

>> Looks like I have made a bigger mess than I was in.
> Was apache working before this? Anything else in the error log?

Yes, Apache works fine (and so does Perl) as long as I comment out the 
mod_perl load lines in httpd.conf. Only when I try to start Apache with 
mod_perl is that it croaks. Also, there are no syntax errors in my 
httpd.conf (at least according to apachectl configtest). I guess I have 
to make Apache recognize the locale settings, no? How do I do that for 
the entire system, preferably automatically when the system starts?

Thanks for the guidance,


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