At 7:37 PM -0600 3/16/02, Puneet Kishor wrote:
>I have one (this is a web app), and everything passes 
>through this. So, if the call is to then the login 
>page is included, if the call is to then the 
>verify page is included. This is how I work in the world of other 
>web programming (Cold Fusion, PHP, etc.).

I've never understood why I see so much Coldfusion code doing it this 
way.  Coming in and debugging other people's code I find it very 
difficult to figure out what is getting executed when with this model.

Using Embperl's EmbperlObject model you could do this automatically 
in a readable fashion.  Loading "login" would wrap it in a top-level 
template automatically.  Or alternatively you could have "login.html" 
include "" and then call the appropriate routines at the 
appropriate places.

The other big advantage you'll get using a package like HTML::Embperl 
over doing it yourself with .pl files is caching.  The perl files 
will get compiled once, and then the code will be reused.  You also 
don't have to worry about cross-site scripting security issues, since 
Embperl always escapes user's input appropriately for the context.

>-- is there anything wrong with coveting embperl, any downsides? Are 
>there other ways of doing things?

After several years using my own embedded perl scripting solution I 
took a close look at Mason and Embperl and went with Embperl.  It's 
been several years more now, and with the XML support being added in 
Embperl 2.0, I'm feeling very good about that solution.  Other's 
might prefer Mason.  But I would definitely recommend either package 
over straight CGI and home-brew templates.

Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

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