i doubt that this is an actual bug, or there would have been a discussion before, but just in case someone can save what remains of my hair:

anyone aware of an os-x-specific problem with dbd::mysql's $dbh->{last_insertid}?
it always returns zero on my powerbook, but the identical applications work perfectly everywhere else I've tried them.

there's no problem in the mysql client, or if the request is made directly in perl:

my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select LAST_INSERT_ID() as lastid;');

ends up returning the proper value. So I could work around it, but i rely on Class::DBI quite a bit, which uses $dbh->{last_insertid} to retrieve the id of an object just created. and it's always 0. grrr.




I've been updating like crazy to try and make it go away, to no avail. Here's the resulting setup:

perl 5.8.0
DBI 1.30
mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.53, for apple-darwin6.1 (powerpc)
msql-mysql tools 1.2219 (ie DBD::mysql 2.0419)

and here's the simplest case that doesn't work for me.

mysql > use test;
mysql > create table dbdtest (id int not null auto_increment, title varchar(255), primary key(id));


use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;

my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost";
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn );
my $handle = $dbh->prepare( "insert into dbdtest (title) values (?)" );
$handle->execute( 'test person );
print $dbh->{mysql_insertid} . "\n";


always prints 0 :(

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