On Friday, October 11, 2002, at 07:48  AM, Ask Solem Hoel wrote:

> And I really do miss multiple workspaces. The dock isn't really great
> when you have LOTS of windows. I miss the window-shading thing when you
> double click in GNOME, MacOS 9 etc, I know I can pay for it in 
> shareware
> but never /ever/ will I pay for shareware. Shareware sucks, and there 
> is
> too much of it in the Mac world. That is why we need to re-create every
> useful shareware application as free software and kill those egomaniac
> shareware authors.

The Daring Fireball wrote an interesting op piece about shareware 
developer Unsanity.  Not that you'll change your mind (you sound pretty 
dogmatic about it), but he makes a good point -- $7 isn't a lot to ask.


On second thought, perhaps Apple will just do what they did with 
Watson, and appropriate the work of their 3rd-party developers into the 
next $130 "feature" release.  So you can wait another year or so and 
pay for it then.  From the perspective of free software, either way you 
lose -- you did realize you were purchasing a proprietary platform when 
you moved to OS X, right?


Erik Price                                   (zombies roam)


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