As of 2pm today, I've managed to successfully run all of my
perl programs on the Mac.  I'm estimating that it took me 
about 8 hours total, including reading documentation (like 
this list), and installing perl, emacs, development tools, 
and CPAN modules.

I spent a couple of hours today changing global declarations,
allowing for Macintosh-style files, and testing my scripts.
Perl 5.8 is somewhat stricter than ActivePerl, so I also had
to fix a few other minor details in some of my packages.  All
in all, my perl programs ported beautifully.

The only Macintosh-style files I have to use are Eudora mailboxes,
so I was able to isolate treatment of that issue to a couple of
subroutines in a couple of different scripts.  I decided to just
dither $/ rather than implementing a more general solution.

Thanks to everyone on this list for all their helpful suggestions.
I still haven't managed to get emacs to import the locale correctly.
It doesn't appear to read any of the profiles before launching.
I think I'm going to need to do it in .emacs, but I haven't looked
into it in greater detail.

And more questions: 

Does anyone have _Mac OS X for Unix Geeks_ (O'Reilly, US $24.95) 
by Brian Jepson and Ernest E. Rothman?  It has a great title,
but I've had mixed experiences with O'Reilly books.  If you have
it or have seen it, is it worth the money?

Also, someone recommended a Mac system administrator's list.  I'd
like to join a Mac list where I could ask questions about interfacing
gui apps to shell apps, which appears to be less straightforward than
I might like.  Any suggestions for finding such a list?

Heather Madrone  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Reality: deeper than I dreamed.

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