On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, Ken Williams wrote:

> On Friday, November 22, 2002, at 10:42  AM, Gary Blackburn wrote:
> > There's a good discussion on plists and Netinfo, but the book
> > also says that Netinfo is going away in favor of traditional
> > /etc files
> What?  I thought NetInfo was supposed to be a step forward, and
> that people liked it.  It's really going away?

The rumors I saw when Jaguar was about to come out suggested that NetInfo
was to be superceded by some kind of LDAP based network configurable
directory system, similar in some ways to what NI already does, but "more
standards based" or something.

As other discussion in this thread suggests, traditional /etc files seem
to have been given more prominence as well.

Long term though, my impression was that the ideas that make NetInfo a
good idea aren't being abandoned, but they're going to be reimplemented in
a way that will play more nicely with any existing LDAP tools...

In practice, the only place I've seen this so far is the new LDAP based
global address book system, which really is just a directory. I haven't
yet seen any indication that system configuration is moving into LDAP, but
like I say, my understanding is that this is where things will go with
future releases.

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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