At 20:12 -0500 11/21/02, Gary Blackburn wrote:
"In Mac OS X 10.1.x and earlier, the system was configure to consult the Netinfo database for all directory information...However, in Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar), NetInfo functions more as a legacy protocol. Instead of being a major player in the directory services world, NetInfo's role has been reduced to that of the local directory database for machines that are not participating in a network-wide directory, such as Active Directory or OpenLDAP. NetInfo is still present on Mac OS X systems, but you can perform most configuration tasks by editing the standard Unix flat files."
In 10.2, most things are now configured to use the config files first, rather than Netinfo. Take a look at the difference between the default lookupd configuration on a 10.1.4 Server machine I've got here and a 10.2.2 Server machine:

[bh2056:~] adam% sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X Server
ProductVersion: 10.1.4 Server
BuildVersion: 5S40
[bh2056:~] adam% lookupd -configuration

ConfigSource: default
LookupOrder: CacheAgent NIAgent DSAgent
MaxIdleServers: 16
MaxIdleThreads: 16
MaxThreads: 16
TimeToLive: 43200
Timeout: 30
ValidateCache: YES
ValidationLatency: 15
_config_name: Global Configuration

LookupOrder: CacheAgent DNSAgent NIAgent DSAgent
_config_name: Host Configuration

TimeToLive: 60
ValidateCache: NO
_config_name: Group Configuration

LookupOrder: CacheAgent DNSAgent NIAgent DSAgent
_config_name: Network Configuration

ConnectTimeout: 300
_config_name: NIAgent Configuration


[bh2062:~] admin% sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X Server
ProductVersion: 10.2.2
BuildVersion: 6F21
[bh2062:~] admin% lookupd -configuration

ConfigSource: default
LookupOrder: Cache NI DS
MaxIdleServers: 4
MaxIdleThreads: 2
MaxThreads: 64
TimeToLive: 43200
Timeout: 30
ValidateCache: YES
ValidationLatency: 15
_config_name: Global Configuration

LookupOrder: Cache FF DNS NI DS
_config_name: Host Configuration

LookupOrder: Cache FF NI DS
_config_name: Service Configuration

LookupOrder: Cache FF NI DS
_config_name: Protocol Configuration

LookupOrder: Cache FF NI DS
_config_name: Rpc Configuration

TimeToLive: 60
ValidateCache: NO
_config_name: Group Configuration

TimeToLive: 300
ValidateCache: NO
_config_name: Initgroup Configuration

LookupOrder: Cache FF DNS NI DS
_config_name: Network Configuration


See all those "FF" entries in the 10.2.2 config? That's the Flat File agent for lookupd, which is configured to look at the /etc files for hosts, services, etc. On the 10.1.4 system, the Flat File agent exists (called FFAgent on 10.1.x), but it's not even in the LookupOrder by default. You'd have to add it to the default lookupd configuration.

In case you're wondering, here's what the other agents are:

Cache: the local lookupd cache
FF: flat file (/etc files)
NI: NetInfo
DS: Directory Services, which will use the search policy defined in Directory Access.

So, for example, on the 10.2.2 system, look at the "Host Configuration" entry: "Cache FF DNS NI DS". This means it will use its cache first, then the flat file (/etc/hosts in this case), then try a DNS lookup, then look in Netinfo (in the local /machines directory), and finally try Directory Services (which may try LDAP, or try the flat files again, or try a Netinfo parent node, or try a Rendezvous mDNS lookup, or whatever you have configured).

I also see that /etc/hosts still says that "By default, lookupd gets information from NetInfo, so this file will not be consulted unless you have changed lookupd's configuration." This is no longer true on 10.2.x. Looks like someone forgot to modify the header on this file.


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