On Tuesday February 10 2015 10:05:30 Arno Hautala wrote:


>Just CC them. Most mail clients / list servers will consolidate the
>duplicate message and even if it doesn't it's not the worst thing to

I realised later that I should have evoked "knowledge of how many copies a 
given person would get". There are valid situations in which you'd like (or 
should) know if someone is on the list and would thus get a non-zero number of 
copies ;)

>get a duplicate. You and the list are in the To and CC fields with
>this message. Did you get it twice?

No, not that I can see (= unless gmail hid an additional copy somewhere, but it 
could also be that gmail consolidated the copies).

>It's only a mail list, but it feels weird to make that publicly
>visible. (visible only to members is essentially the same thing)

I don't see how, esp. if you put the entries through a filter that makes them 
useless to people who don't already know the full address.
And then there's additional potentially interesting info that could be recorded 
alongside: join date, location (if shared and as precise as the user  allows), 
etc. I have no idea if the ML software allows this, but from the few forums on 
which I am or was moderator I know it's "nice" to have such information. I'd go 
so far as to say that it increases the sense of community.
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