I've updated iTunes here and am not experiencing this whatsoever, so I do not 
believe this is an access issue specifically, or at least not solely an access 
issue.  iTunes is running very well for me at this point. Here are a few things 
to try:

1. Cycle VOiceOver off then on again.

2. Try restarting your Mac.

3. Repair permissions. This can be done with the Disk Utility app. In that app, 
select your main hard drive from the table on the left. Select the First-aid 
tab. Now click the "REpair Permissions" button and wait.

In the past, these things have helped with iTunes problems.

On Mar 30, 2010, at 6:41 PM, Howard Dupuis wrote:

> It's way worse than I had imagined. Go to the Playlist browser, make a
> selection, and iTunes crashes. Try it again, and the same thing
> happens. This is ridiculous. Apple just touted accessibility at its
> recent shareholders meeting, but it can't even get iTunes to work with
> VO without crashing. Is there no one testing this before sending out
> an update? Are all the folks who might be doing that hard at work on
> the iPad? Every time there is an iTunes update, VO users take another
> step backward. Boooo!
> On Mar 30, 7:46 pm, "James & Nash" <james.austin1...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes I've noticed some issues:
>> 1. VO will ct as if Itunes is not there when it is open. Oh yes and the 
>> ITunes store has changed and i really don't like it.
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
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