Hi Jorge,

Marie's suggestion to reset the PRAM is a good one. That can fix various problems associated with audio on your Mac. I use my left hand to hold down the Command, Option, and "R" keys, and then I press the "P" key with the thumb of my right hand and push the power button with the index finger to restart. Here's another thing to try. Since the problems with VO started after a new software installation, try repairing permissions with Disk Utility. If VoiceOver is cutting out, you might need to have your wife help with this. Press Command-Space to bring up spotlight, type in "Disk Utility" and press the return key to launch "Disk Utility". Tell your wife or other sighted assistance to select "Macintosh HD" in the Disk Utility sidebar, and then press the button for "Repair Disk Permissions". Then try starting up VoiceOver again when permissions have been repaired.

The reason this might work, is that when new software is installed, it can take control of reading or writing files. Sometimes, it doesn't return correct permission to alter files to the system, which can result in regular programs not working correctly.




marie Howarth wrote:

That is strange as cmd-f5 is always meant to turn VO on or off, or using the Fn-cmd-f5 on macbooks not using function keys with VO. Maybe having a look in system prefs in the universal access but this is a new one to me. Might be an idea to reset the pram, to do this shut the computer off, hit the power button and get ready to press the following key combination as soon as you hear the start up chimes, command-option-p-r and hold these keys down until you hear the chime again. If this doesn't work maybe it's a reinstall job, but I'm sure other listers may have some ideas.
The link to Apple's page on how to reset pram is

On 4 May 2010, at 22:50, Hypnotic Consulting wrote:

Hey folks, My wifes broken something and now VO won't really talk. Here's what's happening. I turn VO on, and he then starts and says speech off. I've restarted and he's still doing the same thing.
My wife said all she did was install office. Any ideas?

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