Is there a chance of N810 be sold in some country of South America?

Or, is there other options to developers who lives outside the countries 
that maemo program covers?



Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula
UFPR - Ciência da Computação

Quim Gil wrote:
> It's out now: 
> Keeping the good tradition, we want to offer the new Nokia N810 Internet
> Tablet to the most active contributors of the maemo community, as soon
> as possible and as affordably as possible. The N810 maemo device program
> starts *now* with 500 discount codes entitling their fortunate owners to
> get a device for 99€ (or equivalent price in other currencies). 
> The call is addressed not only to open source programmers, but also to
> designers, documentation writers, community supporters, maemo
> evangelists, bloggers… In order to apply go to your maemo profile (same
> login as the so-called Garage account) and make your request there.
> Please read carefully the instructions, terms and conditions. 
> Some time next week we will provide more details about the selection
> process, but this is the basic you need to know:
>       * Contributors apply themselves through their maemo profiles. No
>         invitation is needed. Please don't send us extra emails, they
>         won't help you.
>       * Nokia & related professionals stay out. In case of doubt don’t
>         ask: apply.
>       * Open contributions & community involvement are the main rules to
>         select the winners, but newcomers can get merits by proposing
>         creative ideas requiring such device (open source and non-profit
>         are a must).
>       * The 500 discount codes will be distributed the same day the N810
>         is available for purchase in the online Nokia shops.
> PS: We will develop more functionality around these profiles, as
> detailed in the maemo CRM requirements. Stay tuned.
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