Hi there,

General answer to anybody concerned about getting or not a discount code
(and please don't quote me): this is like sex, the more you are
self-conscious and concerned the more your risk to fail. Just relax and
keep sharing your maemo love. :)

On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 19:14 +0200, ext Tim Teulings wrote:
> * When will my profile (and the related links) be evaluated?

We don't plan to look anything with selective eyes before the deadline
for submissions. Don't expect us to go through all your (plural) related
links, though.

> * Is the sourceforge link in the profile meant to be a link to my 
> personal source "users" page or to a sf web page for my project(s)? I'm 
> asking because the users page does not tell that much (and it looks like 
> I can only publish my skills if I enter a resume :-/).

We are helping maemo users to link to their alter egos, so we are asking
about your SF profile if you want to provide it. It looks like
http://sourceforge.net/users/YourId and it tells at least the projects
you are involved in SF. Fair enough.

> My application only occur in the Application Catalog.

The idea is to integrate all the data retrievable from the *.maemo.org
services and show it in your profile (if you wish). I don't know how far
we can go before the end of the N810 maemo device program but it's not
the thing that worries me more either. We have gone through two device
programs without user profiles. We are developing the user profiles per
se, not only because of this program.

> * How can I better promote my application in this case? Can I make a 
> garage project page for my application? Would this make sense?

We need to help developers promoting their applications in any case,
yes. Go through the Quality Awareness checklist, offer your packages in
extras, offer a nice product page in downloads.maemo.org with
screenshots and detailed description, make sure at least your friends
try your software and comment on it, offer channels for feedback, write
news or blog about it... Having a project in Garage helps, yes. 

Note that there is software for maemo that is not following almost any
of the previous steps and yet it is popular and successful, so don't
take this as a single rule.

> The Application Catalog still seems to be horribly broken.

I wouldn't be so tough bu in any case let's evaluate
http://downloads.maemo.org once we have implemented the round of
improvements to be released one of these days. See

Quim Gil - http://maemo.org

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