On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 08:15 +0200, ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> After entering my profile
> information, and clicking publish on the confirmation page, I am taken
> to https://maemo.org/profile/, but I see no way to make a request for an
> N810 discount.

Because this is the private view of your profile and in the way we have
designed the thing the application is done in the edit profile side.

Go to edit your profile and you will find the option to apply... unless
you have declared an affiliation with Nokia. This is also behaving in
the way it has been designed.

I'm filing bugs like http://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2133 thanks
to your feedback to improve this tool. Feel free filing bugs or
enhancements requests yourselves. We can discuss and fix stuff there.

Quim Gil - http://maemo.org

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