On 10/18/07, Frantisek Dufka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Danilo Cesar wrote:
> > Or, is there other options to developers who lives outside the countries
> > that maemo program covers?
> Yes, I believe the terms are worded in such way that you can apply if
> you have someone in one of those countries who will buy the device for
> you. See point 2 in http://maemo.org/device/terms/ , the part "or you
> have a valid address in that country where the purchased device can be
> sent" i.e. you have address of your friend or relative.

Letstalk.com, the company responsible to sell the N800 in US, doesn't
accept credit cards printed outside the US (even the International
Credit Cards). So you will need ask to your friend or relative to pay
your device for you.

It's *very* hard to get a Internet Tablet in South America. I've spent
more than $400 only with taxes and shipment to import my N800 to
Brazil. The price of N800 with my developer's program discount code
was $125 ~€99.


Osvaldo Santana Neto
Open Bossa - Open Source Stream
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
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