
you are completely wrong.
I always and ever speak for myself.

he wants to speak for them all
(see above)

There is a serious problem at maemo, as some guys from maemo 
don't need any community, any open discussion, any collaboration.
What they need is power.

Yesterday one guy from maemo said
"communities need moderators"
Open free source software developers don't need moderators.
What I develop and test is multitouch solutions, gesture recognition,
new user-computer interfaces and the like.
There is no place at maemo for such work, solutions.
I tried to subscribe to developers section at Maemo 3 times
and 3 times server generated nothing what could let me in.
So I gave up, still working at some other places.
I don't need moderators from maemo to control what I should work on.

Managing Multimedia Magazines at Google
I don't need third party moderators
as it's me who can hold a position of a moderator.

Fight for leadership at Maemo is what kills Maemo
and any idea of Nokia to have Maemo to work 
for the benefit of Nokia.

Get real man, there are hundreds of hot places globe-wide,
you an develop your ideas, projects, solutions in nice
association, no moderators, full democracy
and you an still say NO for Maemo Community Council
not hurting anyone.


--- On Fri, 13/6/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: RE: maemo.org community leadership - the maemo.org Community Council
To: maemo-developers@maemo.org
Date: Friday, 13 June, 2008, 9:18 PM

>> Any activities by communities financed, sponsored, donated by Nokia
>> or other corporations, must follow the basic goal of the corporation.
> In general yes, and here the community adds value to Nokia. So there
> should be no problem unless this is all simply a rant against
> Nokia/commercial use of Linux, and in fact you had no intention of
> giving any useful input to the questions that were posed?

This does in fact appear to be a rant from Darius Jack.  I have not found
any references to anything he has contributed to any open source
community, yet he wants to speak for them all.  The relationship between
commercial entities and the open source community has been explained to
him more than once, but he does not care to understand.  Time to flip the
bozo bit.

Ed Okerson

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