Jason Edgecombe wrote:
> Johannes Schmid wrote:
>> Hi!
>>> This is how I read it too. Only if we are the upstream ourselves, we don't
>>> need the suffix. In all other cases we need it?
>>> "If an upstream package is re-packaged or otherwise modified for maemo, a
>>> maemo revision MUST be appended to the upstream revision." MPP section 3.2
>>>> That's my understanding - hopefully Eero could correct me?
>> OK, so I don't need a suffix for hildonmm because I am upstream myself?
>> What about gtkmm? On the one hand we are more or less upstream (and all
>> patches go upstream) on the other hand it's of course different from the
>> debian package.
> OK, so how do I handle the openafs and krb5 packages where there is an
> upstream debian package, but I didn't use it because the dependencies
> were so different?

if dpkg-buildpackage requires no local patches to produce a deb?

Surely we should *only* be using debs built by a scratchbox/autobuilder.
Alien arm debs *might* run but you don't know the gcc version etc etc. And the
dependency locally may include a -maemo patched package whereas the
alien/upstream deb won't.

I managed to get ddd built by building a dependency chain in my sb without any
patching. I assume that these would not require -maemo version ids.

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