On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 6:51 PM, David Greaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Surely we should *only* be using debs built by a scratchbox/autobuilder.
> Alien arm debs *might* run but you don't know the gcc version etc etc. And the
> dependency locally may include a -maemo patched package whereas the
> alien/upstream deb won't.

Agreed. Although greater compatibility of Maemo with Debian/armel and
whatever's happening with the Ubuntu ARM port can't be a bad thing.

> I managed to get ddd built by building a dependency chain in my sb without any
> patching. I assume that these would not require -maemo version ids.

I'd agree. If there's no patching and it's just rebuilding existing
source packages from another Debian-based system the version number
should NOT contain "-maemoN".



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