
On Wednesday 24 of February 2010, Dave Neary wrote:
> Sascha Mäkelä wrote:
> > I was under the impression that for many Qt apps a simple repackaging
> > will do the trick. If this is the case, would it not make sense to make
> > those updates available? After all, before the updates are released to
> > Extras, many users are going to have Qt apps that won't work on their
> > N900. Surely we want to correct that as soon as possible. And what about
> > existing Qt 4.5 based apps in Extras? Should the be demoted when PR1.2
> > is released?
> I know of at least one case where Maemo-specific changes were made in Qt
> 4.5 for Maemo and are no longer available in Qt 4.6 (related to Hildon
> integration). So it is entirely possible that some apps which previously
> compiled will not do so after the upgrade.

Is this a library-only issue or a system issue? i.e. is the problem in the new 
qt library or (let's say) in the capabilities of the new system's components 
(e.g. removed dbus interfaces).

If this is a library-only issue, then there is no reason (except from disk 
space, but /opt should be a viable solution) why you could not have the newer 
versions of "problematic" libraries coexist with their old versions. For 
example, one could have both libqt4-core and libqt4-6-core. Old apps will 
still be linked against libqt4-core while new apps will be linked against 
libqt4-6-core. Then, at some point at the future (PR1.3 ?) you could 
completely remove those old libraries.

... then again I do not have much experience on doing such things.
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