On 24.02.10 15:18, Attila Csipa wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 February 2010 13:20:40 Thomas Tanner wrote:
>> Why would anybody not upgrade the firmware?
>> Why is backwards compatibility necessary for Fremantle minor releases?
>> Enforcing the requirement could make our life so much easier.
> There can be a number of reasons, ranging from various regressions (like 
> sticking to 42-11 because of WiFi issues in 51-1), policies (if it ain't 
> broken, don't fix it, not all bugs affect all people), cost/stability (I 
> might not want to upgrade when roaming) or simply firmware non-availability 
> (firmwares are not rolled out simultaneously for all countries, ask UK 
> folks :). Forced upgrades are usually a last-resort measure, done only if 
> there is a legal reason (like compliance with some regulations, maybe things 
> related to emergency calls, etc).

Forced upgrades of some components for installation of a new package is
standard practice for all package management systems (keyword version
I think the main problem is that the mp-fremantle-pr packages
hardcodes the exact version of all PR packages instead of specifying the
minimum version. If a user could selectively upgrade a core package
without conflicting with mp-fremantle-pr they would not be forced to
completely upgrade the firmware for new extras apps.
(BTW, the broken dependency specification in the PR also makes it
impossible to remove unnecessary language packs)

In a (Debian based) distribution the proper way to handle such conflicts
would be to specify the minimum required version in each extras apps
(e.g. qt4.5) and to switch to a new package name if the new package is
no longer backwards compatible (qt4.6).

If it not possible to install both qt4.5 and qt4.6 due to space
constraints the user should have the option to either deinstall old
qt4.5 apps or wait until all his extras apps are upgraded 4.6.

Thomas Tanner ------
email: tan...@gmx.de
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