Allan Odgaard wrote:

I never understood why they have this recommendation or even default setting and it has always bothered me when lists I subscribe to does not change away from the default (fortunately majority of lists _do_ change it).

See FAQ 3.48 at <>.

The problem is actually twofold:

 1. I routinely forget to reply to the list, and
2. I get private replies which I _think_ are meant for the list, but I feel bad about following up to the list incase the poster really wanted it to be private (plus list members lose half the conversation when only the list is cc’ed on every second letter).

There are far stronger arguments that have been made for your view, and they are countered by even stronger arguments on our side.

So what exactly is the reason for this recommendation (and default)?

See FAQ 3.48.

And where do we lobby for a change? :)

Everything that could possibly be argued on either side of this issue has already been said, years ago. There are no new arguments to be made.

Unless all of the current Mailman developers go away and all of the replacements feel the same way you do, this decision is not ever going to change.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Member of the Postmaster Team & Co-Moderator of the
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