On Wed, 12 May 2021 08:37:30 +0200, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>Yet at the same time Microsoft expects "the world" to accept mail from their 

It would be difficult to verify this.  There is nobody at MSFT (or at least
wasn't when I worked there) that pays any attention to whether the freemail
service is accepted, rejected or even noticed at all.  There are nests of
people within MSFT who care deeply about all of these things, but it would be
folly to equate them with Microsoft itself.

My study of life and history inclines me to the apothegm "If you insist on
burning bridges, it is often best to cross them before engaging the
incendiaries."     --  Shebardigan

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