On Wed, 12 May 2021 09:29:13 +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>But if they do provide it, they should do it well. It's no justification for
>providing a crappy service that it is free. If you are doing something, do
>it well, or don't do it at all.
>Sadly, they are so big that they can just get away with providing crappy
>service and there will always be someone like you who will defend them for
>providing crappy service "because of economic realities".

I am mystified by your claim that I am defending MSFT.  My personal history
would contraindicate that strongly.  I do defend the various individuals, many
of whom I count as personal friends, who work within that system.

I have found that, when advising clients, it is best to back carefully away
from "should" and focus intently on "is".  

Microsoft *SHOULD* (in my own personal opinion, and that of many others)
provide the highest quality service they can, taking into account the needs of
all involved parties.

Microsoft *IS* in a business that takes none of that into account, at the
level of basic decision making.  There is no inherent force in operation that
will make them regard my or your opinion in the normal operation of a
profit-making system.  There is no inherent force that will cause any of their
decisions to be logical, practical or constructive, other than the impersonal
cruelties of the marketplace.

       Those who can make you believe absurdities 
       can make you commit atrocities.
                -- Voltaire

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