On Wed, 12 May 2021 09:59:35 +0200, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>I'm not talking about hotmail/outlook, I'm talking about Office365 customers 
>who *do* pay and who would be pretty much
>not amused if their mails were broadly rejected.

Ah.  As one who was a Spam Analyst in the Office365 structure, I have some
personal knowledge of this.  In fact, paying-customer feedback is (was, when I
was there) an intense concern.  However, the feedback that reached us was
exclusively in the midnight calls to management that amounted to "WHY THE FUCK
IS MY COMPANY GETTING SO MUCH SPAM??".  Were there a mechanism in place for
customers to discover whether their mail was being accepted, there might have
been such sand raised.  However, since there are explicit prohibitions of
attempting broadcast email through the O365 service, no deliverability
services are provided.  

We did pay LOTS of attention to the constant outbound spamming activities that
were enabled and promoted by stupid management decisions regarding intake,
vetting, and monitoring of new customers.  Some of us had solved these issues
during the early all-you-can-eat-for-$20 dialup era.

>And I'd wager a bet that most of these (and their MSFT sales buddies if they 
>have any) would put the blame squarely on
>those who rejected their mails, not on MSFT.

You might not find the odds in your favour.

  Ad finem pugnabo.

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