On Wed, 12 May 2021 09:27:40 +0100, Laura Atkins via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>The things we normally recommend to folks don’t always work as expected. 
>Sometimes they do and we can fix things no problem. But sometimes they are 
>just an inscrutable black box with variable responses.  

This is a characteristic that is also visible inside the system.  I found
instances in the architecture where it might be impossible to determine what
had happened to a given message.

>The other bit of speculation is that Microsoft as an entity just 
>doesn’t really care what any outside company or person thinks. They do things 
>The Microsoft Way. 

I endorse this analysis, noting that MSFT attempted to replace "commodity
protocols" like TCP/IP with their own concoctions; MSFT had no idea what
forces they were dealing with. 

>There isn’t the space inside the company for folks who know 
>what the problems are to effectively advocate for change. I think there are 
>lots of individuals who care and who see the issues, but the product 
>developers / managers / owners just don’t care. They’d care if there were 
>numbers to demonstrate the problem, but none of the numbers actually look like 
>a problem. 

My utmost respect for those who are still there, working in whatever way they
can.  The foe is not an evil supervillain.  It's simply the system as it has
evolved to work, within the systems in which it is embedded.

I regret that I have but one * for my country.

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