On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 5:25 AM Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

> I want to return to an old issue, which repeatedly happens again and again,
> that is, Google putting emails from me to recipient's spam folder. What's
> absurd, this happens not only to Gmail addresses to which I am writing for
> the first time, but also to recipients with whom I have previously
> corresponded and who marked my messages as non-spam. It even happens when
> I'm replying to a message I got from a Gmail user, which is totally absurd!
> It can even happen in a middle of an email exchange - ie. I have once
> exchanged a few messages with a Gmail user without problems, then suddenly
> one of my subsequent messages in the conversation went to Spam.
> This is really annoying and makes me mad. Can't Google really do anything
> about this? I have NEVER, EVER sent any spam from this address. I am NOT a
> bulk sender at all - I send only purely personal messages, and there are
> very few of them. I don't send on behalf of any third parties. SPF, DKIM,
> DMARC, rDNS is all correct - I sent a few test messages to test Gmail
> accounts I have created and Google displays everything as "PASS".
> There is absolutely no reason to classify me as a spammer. And it seems
> that this classification is based purely on my sender address or domain,
> because when I send from the same server, from the same IP address messages
> with sender address from a different domain, they arrive to Inbox without
> issues. So it's not a matter of "bad" IP reputation. It's a matter of my
> particular address/domain. Why Google dislikes it so much?
> I am even afraid to send anything to mailing list like this, because many
> recipients here may be on Gmail, and when they receive my message it will
> go
> to their Spam folders and they won't see it, so Google's AI will have even
> stronger signal that I'm a "spammer" and put more of my messages to spam...
> Seems to be a hopeless loop, is there any way out of this?

Note that sending to a mailing list like this is fairly washed clean, it
won't come from your IP, it
won't come from your domain (5321.from or 5322.from)... it also won't help
your reputation either.

Mailing lists which resend without breaking DKIM do have a multiplicative
effect, good or bad, for your
sender reputation (obviously not IP reputation).  If your domain is a small
sender, that can have outsized
effects, that's for sure.

authenticated mail in reply to a message is a very strong signal... but not
as strong as it used to be, spammers
and phishers exploited it.

Otherwise, I think we've covered this problem in depth before, and I don't
think there's much to rehash.  I'm sorry it hasn't

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