
Dňa Tue, 21 Sep 2021 18:30:46 +0200 Alexey Shpakovsky via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

> On Tue, September 21, 2021 17:39, Slavko via mailop wrote:
> > I am curious, do you block whole gmail.com?  
> No, but at one time I was pretty close to blocking yahoo, having 0
> friend using it.
> But I have only a single-user personal server, so have more freedom
> than majority of members of this list.

You simple cannot apply single user MTA/SPAM filtering rules to multi
user environment. And that multi user environment is not necessary big
email provider, even with my small number of users i cannot reliably
decide, on what domains their friends/contacts are.

Some time ago i applied (time based) blocking whole TLD based on their
SPAM reputation (from rspamd). I abandon it shortly, it was bad
approach which catch a lot false positives and there are better ways to
distinguish usual SPAM messages, while bad reputation is still counted
(and the gmail has the worst one here and i need to WL some of its

Anyway, i do not understand one thing. As i read here, the gmail is
blocking a lot of regular messages (or mark them as SPAM). But i
(my MTA) daily got "million dollars" offers (or similar) from gmail.
Which one having millions dollars will use freemail? What their AI is
doing? Is it blocking SPAM or it only blocks concurrence?

Or they decided, that there is not enough data transferred in network
and thus adding more useless traffic is needed?



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