On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 22:01:49 -0600, Scott Mutter via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>Further from that, I'm not really sure if that's the type of abuse contact
>the OP was referring to in this thread.

At various times over the past 26 years I have been responsible for the
various kinds of activities one needs (abuse/policy enforcement, fraud,
network security, customer service) together with opportunities to observe
some of the more dismal realities of corporate systems behaviour.  My
observations indicate that the mahoganites and the folks who infest certain
boardrooms have not quite absorbed the need not to starve cost centers.  

They will all go bad together, for essentially the same reasons.

There's a funny thing that happens when you know the correct
answer.  It throws you when you get a different answer that
is not wrong.    -- Dr Bowman (Freefall)

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