On 19 May 2022, at 10:11, Dave Crocker via mailop wrote:

> Telephone-level DNC is a different category of technological requirement. 
> Very different.

In this case, not really. As implemented in practice, you have to run your list 
of phone numbers through a filter that will remove matching phones. Doesn't 
need to touch the actual phone network to implement.

The reason it seems to work better is that technical providers for bulk dialing 
services take this seriously. They have incentives to do this—fines and 
scaremongering prospective clients into not doing it themselves.

Also, let's not forget that it is national in scope and design. This, I agree, 
would make a substantial difference in the applicability. Still would not call 
it "technological requirement" though.

If implemented, the proposal for email could work similarly, if the large ESPs 
took the same approach. This would only leave us with the "other" type of spam 
to deal with. I would think that a spamtrap included in the "do not spam" 
registry could be used to identify non-compliant senders and other classes of 

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