On 7/22/22 4:31 AM, Laura Atkins via mailop wrote:

I’ll point out, this isn’t an ESP only problem. Two of the biggest sources of spam right now are O365 and Google IP addresses. They are actually a bigger problem in my (mostly unfiltered for reasons) inbox than any ESP.

That is an understatement. Worst part is, I can't get more aggressive on the filtering for gmail/gapps and o365 sources without running the risk of catching legit mail from my customers or their customers.

I’m agreeing there is a problem with ESPs and have said so to ESPs individually and as a group over the last few weeks.

The ESPs are interested in sender reputation. But, in this context, reputation means “Our mail gets accepted at the ISPs”. In that context their reputation is fine. They’re not being blocked. Specific customers may have delivery problems, but a lot of the modern machine learning filters are very good at blocking the problem customers without blocking the good ones.

My biggest (well, one of two big) gripe right now with SendGrid is their apparent lack of bounce handling. I can throw their mail back at their tagged from addresses with a rejection notice or reject at connection time and their systems just won't take NO for an answer.

Zoom on the other hand, it seems like they're just letting (at least this particular spammer that has been spewing for over a year now) people use their mail systems with a from of no-re...@zoom.us and no list tagging or any way to unsubscribe or block messages from them.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
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