On 25 Jul 2022, at 17:11, Laura Atkins via mailop wrote:

> On 25 Jul 2022, at 15:49, Luis E. Muñoz via mailop wrote:
>> In the current state of affairs, ESPs presume they know more than the 
>> receivers, so they keep trying to send. Since the ESPs essentially disregard 
>> the 5xx codes using the line of reasoning that you described,

> The ESPs are not disregarding the 5xx. They’re actively respecting it, and 
> not attempting a second delivery of the message that received the 5xx.
> laura

I can confirm that at least some ESP add recipient addresses on the very first 
occurence of a 5xx return code to an internal blocklist, at least for the 
specific customer whose emails triggered the 5xx.
We regulary get support tickets that always follow the same pattern:
- User tries to sign up for some service on the internet
- The registration email does not arrive because the recipient mailbox is full, 
was disabled or whatever
- The user eventually fixes the problem
- He clicks a button on the website to resend the registration email
- The registration email still does not arrive

As a side note, solving those tickets usually take weeks because neither the 
user nor the provider of the service have any clue what is wrong, since the ESP 
that sits in the middle simply discards all emails to this address.


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