Dnia 19.10.2022 o godz. 13:33:04 Heiko Schlittermann via mailop pisze:
> (translation by me): 
>   Sorry, we only accept messages from proven
>   commercial or similiar servers. Please use the SMTP relay of your hoster
>   or your ISP.
> I know that T-Online's postmaster announced this kind of behaviour, but
> I didn't expect that they are going to implement it, as I saw enough
> complaints here.
> From my point of view they now force smaller MSP into contracts with
> bigger mail relays, working towards a centralization of mail services,
> which IMHO is exactly the opposite way mail was originally designed to
> work as.
> @mailops: What's your opinion?

If they insist on keeping that approach, then:

t-online.de     REJECT "We reject mail from t-online.de because you reject mail 
from us"

What else can you do?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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