On 19.10.22 18:43, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
Do you get this error at the connection or after you transmitted the message?

$ telnet mx00.t-online.de 25
Connected to mx00.t-online.de.
Escape character is '^]'.
554 IP=378.294.445.288 - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or 
to contact t...@rx.t-online.de to clarify.)

Heck, then even if you're getting unblocked like Thomas Walter, it's only until you change ISP.  Sooner or later even GMail will...

I'm rather sure that Deutsche Telekom has ways of automatically updating the 
whitelist for IPv4 ranges of MAMAA and other sources their customers exchange a 
lot email with. They do not want to accidently block ebay notifications or 
password reset mails from Facebook, Apple, or Google ... But for the rest, 
frankly, no-one really cares — except maybe patients that are asking for 
appointments that never make it back to them ...

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